Q: What do I do if my transcript states something other than algebra?
The DJEATC will accept all of the following courses: Introductory Algebra (or any level of algebra higher than "pre-algebra"), Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Tech Math, Integrated Math, & Contemporary Math.
If the course you took is not listed here, and the course involved algebra, you may submit a copy of the course catalog from the school that specifically references the course listed on your transcript. If the course catalog states that the course you took included algebra (or anything higher than algebra), you may submit the transcript along with the course catalog listing to fulfill this requirement. If you are unable to obtain a course catalog, and the course you took involved algebra, you may request that your school write a letter to verify this. The letter must be on original school letterhead, and must be signed by an official of the school. It must specifically reference the course listed on your transcript, and state that algebra was involved in the course.
Q: I can’t find my diploma. Will just the transcript work?
We do not need your diploma IF your transcript clearly states your graduation date. (“Diploma date” is acceptable. “End date” is unacceptable.)
Q: I didn’t graduate from high school and don’t have my GED, but I’m in college. Does that count?
If you have completed an Associate’s degree or higher, that will work. You may bring a copy of your diploma or an official college transcript clearly stating that you received your degree. Completion of only part of a college program is insufficient.
Q: Is a foreign transcript ok?
Yes, but foreign transcripts must be officially translated. Also, keep in mind that they must specifically state that you took Algebra (or Geometry, Trigonometry, etc.) Often, foreign transcripts are translated to say simply “Mathematics,” and that is not specific enough to meet our criteria.
Q: I graduated a long time ago or my high school is no longer in existence. How can I get my transcript?
Schools are required to keep such records longer than you’d think. We’ve had applicants obtain their transcripts even if they graduated decades ago. If your school is no longer in existence, try checking with the school district. If all else fails, you may substitute SkillsPrep.org Online Learning System for an Algebra credit. Proof of completion of this course will satisfy our criteria.
Q: What forms of payment do you take for the $25 application fee?
We accept credit card only for the application fee.
Q: How much time should I allow to fill out the application?
You should allow at least an hour.
Q: Is a driver's license really necessary? Will a state ID work?
A driver's license is required for the Inside Wireman program. It can be an out of state driver's license, but it must be current and valid. If you are in the process of getting or renewing your license, you may provide the temporary paper document provided by the DMV.
Q: Can I apply online?
All applications are done online at this time. Please see 'How to Apply' in the Applicant tab.
Q: How often do you offer the aptitude test?
We typically offer the aptitude test the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Q: What does the aptitude test cover?
It covers reading comprehension and algebra. It does NOT include questions regarding electrical work. We offer sample questions so you can practice.
Q: Do I need to bring anything to the interview?
No. Any supplemental materials you wish the interview committee to review, resumes and cover letters, should be given to the office at least one week prior to your interview.
Q: How often are interviews conducted?
Interviews typically take place on the second and last Wednesday of each month.
Q: What will the interview be like?
You will be interviewed by a panel of four people. They will ask a series of questions about how you have handled various situations. You can give examples from work, school, or your personal life. The basic format they are looking for is: "What was the situation? What did you do? What was the result?" The interview will only last about 15 minutes.
Q: I can't come on the interview date/time I was assigned. Can I reschedule?
Yes, you are permitted one reschedule. Please let us know as soon as you can, and we will try to figure out something that works for you within our given interview schedule.
Q: Can I get credit for previous hours I've worked as an electrician?
Yes, provided you were registered with the state at the time and provide proper documentation. Read more about Applying for Credit
Q: Is there a background check?
Yes, there is for the Inside Wireman program. Prior to official selection into the program, every applicant must undergo a background check. We only take into consideration felonies within the last seven years. A felony conviction does not automatically exclude you from the program. Each applicant will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Committee. Please see our Background Check Policy for more information.
Q: Since it's legal in Colorado, is marijuana included in the drug test?
Yes, as with most construction-related industries, our program does NOT permit marijuana use. Your pre-employment drug test and any subsequent testing will be screened for marijuana and you will be disqualified if tested positive.
Q: Where will I be working?
Our jurisdiction is large. You might be assigned to a jobsite anywhere within the jurisdiction and must be willing to travel accordingly.